Wednesday 27 January 2010

Mobile mishap

QUEENSTOWN, SOUTHLAND - 27th January 2010

After a long but very enjoyable 4 hour drive back to Queenstown from Milford Sound yesterday afternoon, I was back at the Black Sheep Hostel and caught up with a bunch of Americans I'd originally met down at Fox Glacier. Yesterday was Australia Day, so we were obliged to go out and celebrate - a fact encouraged by a hot rumour going around town about a codeword-activated bar tab at "World Bar"...

Turns out the rumours were true - from 11pm a $700 bar tab was open for as long as it lasted, with anyone saying the codeword "Boom Boom Boom, Let Me Hear You Say Way-Oh" getting their drinks paid for from the tab. Obviously, happy days... and from there the night went on to Buffalo Bar and various other establishments with Australian beers on offer alongside the legendary/infamous Jagerbomber.

Details aren't particularly necessary, but the point of the story is that at some stage I pulled my mobile out my pocked and discovered the screen was smashed. Which means I now have a phone that's it perfect working order, other than the minor issue of not being able to see anything that's going on.

Those familiar with my history of mobile phones won't be surprised by this development in the slightest. After all, this is the same person whose Sony Ericsson W900 came to a sticky end during a nice dinner on the Malia seafront in July 2007 - an attempt to take a photo by balancing the camera-phone on top of a beer mug ended fairly inevitably with the phone falling into the mug. Which was full of fresh Mythos beer.

And this is the same person whose subsequent phone, a Nokia N95, had its 6 month life came to a cracking end when it fell 5 metres from the balcony of Pembroke College Boat House. And, after upgrading to the N95 8GB 2 months later, had the misfortune of having it stolen in the previously mentioned "Curious Incident of the Berghaus Bag".

All in all, my luck with gadgets and travelling continues...

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